Men Fighting Patriarchy

Beginners Guide to Responsible Sexuality (for men): Good primer on taking responsibility for your privilege and sexuality for cis-gendered men.  Critique of pornography and rape culture, with a focus on consent, respect and a value placed on making sure everyone has a good time. $2

Dealing With Our Shit: Dealing with our shit was a male and male identified anti-sexual assault group out of Minneapolis who worked together for years on workshops, did rape crisis hotline work, and peer mentored perpetrators.  This zine is half size and 130 pages long.  It is a thorough exploration of how men can help each other move through culturally taught violence and attitudes. $5

Don’t Be A Dick! Paul Brown brings us an insightful and earnest look at rape culture and pornography and what people with male privilege can do to address these issues in their lives.  Honest and well organized, this is a good intro text for men working on sexism.  $3

Men in the Feminist Struggle: Reprinted essays from bell hooks, Andrea Dworkin, and John Stoltenberg. $1

Men Unlearning Rape: This article originally appeared in Changing Men Magazine, #22, Winter/Spring 1991, and has been put into a zine format by several folks over the years.  It is a basic primer on unpacking patriarchy, homophobia and rape culture through the perspective that an honest assessment of conflicting feelings and taking responsibility for one’s actions is the first step in men unlearning sexual violence. $1

Men Speaking Out on Men and Sexism: Zine about moving past cultural oppression that alienates men from others and themselves.  A personal narrative of growth and change. $1

On the Road to Healing: A Booklet for Men Against Sexism: Series of articles by different men about their experiences with intimacy, fathers, homophobia, assault and the military.  Good collection of anti-sexist male voices. $3

Philly Dudes Collective– Year One (And a Half): This is an amazing zine about the first phase of the Philly Dudes Collective, with flyers for events, narratives around organizing and self-discovery, and scenarios for exploration and discussion.  A good resource for anyone considering starting a men’s group in their town. $3

Said the Pot to the Kettle–Feminist Theory for Anarchist Men: A direct and humorous primer on feminism from a male perspective.  The zine covers dogma, consent, body image, and reproductive health in a compassionate, no-nonsense and entertaining way for men looking for ways to be better allies. $2

Social Detox #1: Resources for Anti-Sexist Men: (fall, 2007, excellent zine from Silent City Distro) This is a great zine for exploring masculinity in honest and radical ways.  Deep critique of patriarchy and a call for cultural change.  Excellent zine written by excellent folks. $3

Published on April 29, 2010 at 8:41 pm  Leave a Comment  

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