Hystory of the Distro!

Hello out there!

My name is Sonia and I used to work with a group of womyn from Maine called the Mimi Collective.  For about three years, we dedicated ourselves to learning and providing resources and workshops about reproductive and sexual health, consent, assault prevention, survivor support, gender theory and queer and feminist hystory.  The opportunity to learn about our bodies, deconstruct oppression and grow in a safe space will be an inspiration for years to come.

Between us and the other rad ladies and queers we met on the way, our personal zine library soared to astonishing proportions.  A year before the group dissolved, I put together the initial framework for the zine distro, but never really followed through.  Since the winter of 2009, I’ve struggled with serious chronic illness and have had to step back from many of my activist pursuits.     This zine distro reflects a way I can still support feminist resistance without the physical toll that organizing can take, and in turn, remember how polticized my own personal struggles are in the face of patriarchy and oppression.

Mimi was my great aunt’s name.  She died several years ago.  She was in her nineties.  When I was little, I remember her wearing crazy red lipstick and smoking like a chimney.  She had the greatest giggle.  My grandma has a huge black and white picture of her on a camel in Egypt–it must be from the 30’s or 40’s.  She looks beautiful and brave, on her far away adventure, with all of her life still waiting ahead of her.  I’m glad this distro carries her name.

Some of these zines are current, and some are ten to twenty years old, providing both valuable information and documentation of anarcha feminist hystory.  I hope you enjoy them!


Sonia @

Published on March 26, 2010 at 5:45 pm  Leave a Comment  

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