Hystory, Theory, and Voices N-Z

Out of the Vacuum: Great 1/4 size perzine about surviving emotional, physical and sexual abuse.  Asks hard questions about violence, accountability, and transformation. $2

The Peanut Butter and Jelly Pad Project: Zine advocating that cis-gendered dudes wear a pad with peanut butter and jelly smeared on it to mimic being covered with menstrual blood, and then ask participants to do things like try to figure out how to  go swimming or play sports with it on.  Participants allegedly get a patch upon completing the quest. Fucking hilarious! $1 or free with any order.

Popular Responses to Feminism and Some Comebacks: A myth busting 1/4 size zine originally distro’d by the Madison Infoshop. $1

Radical Cheers –Two compilations: Two 1/2 size zines with cheers from the nineties all the way up to now.  Radical cheerleading can be as liberating today as it was yesterday.  Keep this great radical tradition alive with this double set. $3

Revolutionary Women Stencil Book: Hystory and information about twelve important womyn from around the world, complete with stencils for you to enlarge and decorate the world as you will. Important hystory; I learned a lot about the courage of womyn I had never heard of before. $3

Rocket Queen #1–(1/2 legal size) This zine has been around for a long time.  It is a sex positive feminist narrative about dancing for money and the people who come to watch.  Offers practical advice with a good analysis and realistic descriptions of johns and workplaces. $4

Rocket Queen #2–(1/2 legal) The second zine holds nothing back.  Gritty and realistic first hand experiences of stripping and sex work.  $4

Striped Stockings: les attitudes des femmes: (1/2 size legal) Perzine about the punk scene and competition between womyn and trying to have each others backs.  An oldy but goody. $3

Unapologetic Choice: A Radical Reproductive Rights Journal: Zine written in response to South Dakota’s repeal of reproductive rights.  Resources and accounts of clinic defense.  A hefty read, but worth it. $3

Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers: The classic text originally released by Feminist Press in 1973 about the theft and co-optation of medical care from womyn by the patriarchal medical establishment.  A crucial hystorical reference. $5

Women and Imprisonment in the United States: Essay by Nancy Kurshan about the hystory and current reality of womyn in prison. $2

Women Talking about Sexism and Oppression in the Anti-Globalization Movement: (1/2 letter folded vertically) A now hystorical but still relevant assessment of privilege and oppression in the anti-globalization movement in the nineties. $3

Published on April 29, 2010 at 8:43 pm  Leave a Comment  

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